Physical inactivity is now a global health problem that contributes to 3.2 million death each year. There are various reasons why we become victims of inactivity. Some argue that they are lacking of time and even facilities to exercise. It is true that urbanization results in low quality air and other problems such as crime, inadequate green space, and traffic. Many seem to lead a busy lives with technology that allows them to do things from the palm of their hands.
Exercise is essential for both physical and mental health. It can decrease the risk of heart problem, diabetes type 2, and certain types of cancers. Many signs of depression and stress that unfortunately are experienced by 73-77% people can also be combated by doing some physical activities. In fact, it is believed to be one of the most effective ways to drop stress hormones.
If these reasons still haven’t motivated you enough, exercising everyday will boost your confidence as your body become leaner and firmer. In addition, it will improve your level of energy, maintain your weigh, and slower aging process. Regular workout helps avoid atrophy or muscle wasting, caused by loss of muscle tissues.
Physical activities are good for your brain, too. The increase of heart rate will pump more oxygen to this area and strengthens hippocampus, a part of brain that is associated with the center of emotion, memory, and autonomic nervous system.
The good news is you can get all these benefits by only working out for 30 minutes. Research shows that a group who exercise for half an hour lose more weight than those who do 60 minutes a day. It is quite surprising but 60-minute workout can leave the person to feel exhausted, which causes him to be more inactive throughout the day. The latter group could also eat more in order to compensate for their workout session, leading to more calorie intake.
- Afternoon Workout
Exercise in the morning can be an energy boost. You get to feel the fresh air as well as benefits of morning sun. However, if it isn’t something you are used to doing, this can leave you feel drained and idle for the rest of the day. Some also tend to have bigger appetite and end up eating more calories than what they burned.
- Interval Training
Interval training where you alternate periods of high-intensity workout with low-intensity can help you burn more calories.
- Rest
Getting a proper rest can get you ready for the next day’s session. Sleep will allow your body time to repair and grow muscle tissues.
- Plan It!
Write a list of different types of exercise that you will do every week. This will help you focus and reduce the time used to decide what kind of workout you want to do every day. Thing of something that will let you work on different body parts.